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GA Election Code § 21-2-112 (c) (2020): Whenever such county committee requests a hearing in accordance with this Code section, the state committee shall immediately set a date, time, and place for such hearing and shall forthwith notify the county committee thereof. The original appeal documents and Addendum I.B. lay out the clear reasons.


Georgia Republican Party, Inc.

State Rule 8.8b:

Right to file a petition and request hearing and decision of the State Committee.


Fair political party elections, not conducted and condoned fraud by party officers.


Continuing Problem:

There has been no hearing of this appeal whatsoever. No 'decision' was appealed from Chatham or First District levels because of organizational failure and officer deterrence.



Transparent Access for all members of the State Committee to documents and records involving the affairs of the Georgia Republican Party, Inc is critical for organizational and process integrity. The State Committee is also the elected Board of Directors per its Articles of Incorporation as specified in State Rule 2.1 and 11.1.

The Board of Directors is LIABLE.


It is legal norm to distribute resources to the Board of Directors at the specific request of those who are the object of nonprofit conduct who address them.


Legal electors in appeal to election cheating must also be able to distribute decision-making resources regarding matters within State Committee purview.


NEW:: Chatham appellants addressed





to the entire body, involving many new observations regarding GRP officer mismanagement of this appeal.


On Jan 11, 2022, we requested that all of remaining documents be distributed to the Board of Directors, but Secretary Welsh directly disregarded this on Jan 12, 2022 



All documents can be viewed in the

Appeal Documents section by Members Only Access. Media is public.


A FULL HEARING of the State Committee can be assured with the simple request of one-third of the State Committee in accordance with State Rule 4.1.A.


In the interest of process and organizational integrity, Chatham Appellants repeat our request, initiated on Aug 20, 2021, that our appeal be heard and decided by your most Honorable Assembly in a full and ethical way.


The lawful duty of officers at all levels of the GRP is in question, and we cannot tolerate continued violations of all levels of governances to our detriment any longer. As the Board of Directors, you are liable for knowing violations of law and party misconduct. You are also responsible for disciplining your officers.


Please concur here

(takes one minute):



Thirty-two members of the Georgia Republican Party, Inc. in Chatham County filed a formal appeal on August 20, 2021 for a specific and proper hearing and decision on a invalid election matter impacting the governing body of the Chatham County Republican Party Committee established under GA Code O.C.G.A. 21-2-111 (2017). Twenty-five are elected Precinct Chairman. The filers met all the standards of State Rule 8.8 of the GRP, Inc.


At the time of filing, the appellants asked that the matter advance directly to the State Committee because of grounds specified in GA Code O.C.G.A. 21-2-112 (2017), but this request was ignored.


The appeal is also with the State Committee because of total failure of Chatham and First District Chairmen to lead their respective committees to hearing and decision in accordance with State Rules after Chairman Shafer asked it to stay down in their jurisdiction. We expected this would happen. It rose by default.


Appeal Basis: Fifty-four 'at-large' members were invalidly elected against our interest, that of 53,000 Chatham Republican voters in the most recent Presidential election, and the Republican party itself. For perspective, this number is greater than the total size of over 50% of county committees in the state of Georgia.


Appellants are in varying stages of fatigue on this matter, but the spirit of Georgia Patriots has no expiration.


We can read that the legal duty of party officers to handle this matter is under GA Election Code § 21-2-596, 597, 598, portions of Georgia Corporate Code 14, and more. Of course, you are accountable under your Articles of Incorporation of the Rules of the GRP, Inc., which are located in our Addendum O and on the website of the Georgia Secretary of State.


Of course, the Rules of the GRP, Inc. also hold you accountable to the law and proper conduct. Further clarity to standards is in GA Code § 21-2-603, especially to those who have thwarted or attempted to orchestrate bad elections within the GOP. Requirements for process integrity involving party elections is protected by Article II of the Georgia Constitution, and more.


State Committee leadership is vital, yet we understand that some of you do not have access to your own authentic State Committee Member List because of failure and selective resourcing of some key GRP Executives based on their courteous feelings of the particular day, which is something the GRP attorney Vincent Russo presents as his standard (Dec 14, 2021 email to appellants). This is violative of you and the representative electors who voted for you.


Please reach out to us if you need a copy of your own committee list. Since each of is a valued, elected Republican party representatives within the GOP of Georgia, it is right that you should have it for organizational purposes.


We engaged this process with sincere hope that true leaders of the GRP State Committee will now RISE, in the tradition of Georgians like Newt Gingrich and Marjorie Taylor Greene.


We look forward to watching your impressive Republican action!



Thanks for submitting!

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